Tag: Aavishkaar
Charcha – An ode to Math and Science
Atypical day at Aavishkaar begins with a Charcha (discussion) – the entire team huddles around in a circle as one of us sparks up a discussion on a math or a science topic. From algebra to velocity, we explore them all, in a way that picks our brain for hours, days, even weeks. Ganit (Math) and Vigyaan (Science) Charcha are an integral part…
सीखने से सिखाने तक के सफर में खुद मे बदलाव
आविष्कार के सफर में यह मेरा तीसरा ब्लॉग है। इन छह महीनों में मैंने बहुत कुछ सीखा है। उन में से कुछ बातें आज मैं इस ब्लॉग के जरिये आपसे साझा कर रही हूँ। आविष्कार में सीखने से सिखाने तक के सफर में मुझमें बहुत बदलाव आया है। आविष्कार में मैंने जो पढ़ा है वह…
गणित शिक्षक के रुप में मेरे पहले 2 सप्ताह
AAROHAN PROGRAM- A math educators training for women in villages, run by three organisations Sajhe Sapne, Aavishkaar and Ashvattha learning communities. It is a one year long program where young women go through training to become educators. Students of the program are called Aarohan Fellows, who have written this as their first blog.
Mapping the World of School Mathematics
The fascinating world of mathematics offers its friendship to most of us in our school years. It’s another matter that it feels a bit too crushing and many of us decide not to extend that hand of friendship again. Here is an attempt to share the landscape of Maths that we explore in those school…
Brownian Motion – An Experimental Investigation.
Shamli Manasvi, April 2020 The Particle Theory of Things, is – Everything can be broken down into smaller particles (analysis view). In other words, everything is made up of small particles (synthesis view). These particles have two fundamental properties – They are in constant random motion, And they all attract each other. But, really? I’m not…