Category: Forex Trading
What Is Full-Time Equivalent FTE and How to Calculate It?
To be able to calculate the total FTE in your company, you need to determine the FTE of your part-time workers first. To do that, you need to divide the total number of hours worked by your part-time employees by the total number of annual hours worked by 1 full-time employee. HR departments often use…
Capital gearing financial definition of capital gearing
If we write out the formula, we can say that a gearing ratio is the total amount of debt divided by the amount of capital provided by shareholders. Gearing ratios give you an idea of the financial structures underpinning a company and, more importantly, the amount of potential risk it carries. When we talk about…
Copper Price : LIVE Copper Price Today Copper Price per Ounce
This is due to the widespread use of copper in all sectors of the economy. Navigate the markets effectively with our live copper price chart and industry updates. Copper bullion might be harder to purchase than the likes of gold, silver, platinum, or palladium since it’s not classified as a ‘precious metal’. Political, environmental, and…