Category: Camps
पाई साइकिल कैम्प..
“कैम्प” का नाम सुनकर ऐसा लगता है कि सिर्फ़ मौज़ मस्ती और बस यही, बाक़ी और कुछ भी नहीं लेकिन कभी ये नही सुना था कि मौज़ मस्ती के साथ पढ़ाई। हम पढ़ाई का नाम सुनते ही ऐसे डर जाते हैं जैसे पता नहीं क्या बोझ पड़ गया हमारे सिर पर। लेकिन यहाँ पढ़ाई का…
Sketch of Education- My first hand experience.
It has been one month and a few days. I have travelled to four states in search of some purpose. I work with Aavishkaar-non profit in Kandwari, Palampur, H.P. Aavishkaar promotes STEM education through a different framework, fundamental and critical understanding for the students who will be citizens of tomorrow. We emphasize students’ understanding…
Pi-Safari: June 1 to 6, 2018
In the first week of June we launched our brand new camp especially designed for our high school students, Pi-Safari! To tell you the truth, some of us were a bit anxious about working with teenagers in a week -long camp format. But “Hamaari Pi-Cycle” camp was getting loads of high school applications, and it…